AI interpretation of tdhopper.com

Accessing my home server around the world with custom domain names

Building a Startup with AI with Jowanza Joseph

A builder of systems, a path to unveil

My summer doing math (?) research

AI Assisted Programming with Ravi Mody

How I am Productive

Good programming languages are nice but not vital

Announcing the Python Developer Tooling Handbook

On Inspiration

Problem of Programming

"I Like Notebooks": a response to Joel Grus

Devops Empowered Data Science with Ansible
Challenges in Applying Machine Learning to Cybersecurity
Wrong Figures, Right Answers?
I Basically Can't Hire People Who Don't Know Git
George Washington's Struggle for Inbox Zero

A Subjective and Anecdotal FAQ on Becoming a Data Scientist

Optimism is essential to scientific success
dothopper photography

John Cook’s Ten Year Blogging Endeavour
An Infosec Limerick

Neal Ford on Companies Ignoring Developer Costs
How I Became a Data Scientist Despite Having Been a Math Major: The Talk
Zen of Git

Python Plotting for Exploratory Data Analysis
Parallelizing a Python Function for the Extremely Lazy
CondaHTTPError: HTTP 401 UNAUTHORIZED for url
Choice of the Name Dynamic Programming
Adversarial Learning: Stories of Degradation and Humiliation

Build a Real Time Machine Learning System
Like most great mathematicians, he expects universal precision
Metawork is more interesting than work
Towards Reducing Distractions while Working
Web Development and Design for the Backend Developer
Automating Python with Ansible
Naive Bayes Meme
Some Reflections on Being Turned Down for a Lot of Data Science Jobs

Logistic Regression Rules Everything Around Me
How I Quit My Ph.D. and Learned to Love Data Science
Your Old Tweets from This Day
Compare RSA Key with Fingerprint in Github

The perils of thinkism

Tallest Data Scientist

Get Pykafka to work with rdkafka on Linux

Data Scientists Need More Automation
Filter by date in a Pandas MultiIndex
Speeding up PyMC3 NUTS Sampler

Understanding Probabilistic Topic Models By Simulation
Undersampled Radio Interview
Setting Up supervisord

Entropy of a Discrete Probability Distribution

Cross Entropy and KL Divergence
Photos Featured on Smithsonian Magazine
Find Files Modified in last N Minutes

Faster SSH Access to Remote Computers

Configuring Impala Query Results with impalarc
Using Conda with the Fish Shell

Searching the tweets of people you follow

Concatenate files with header row

Testing whether a Python string contains an integer
Ultralight Backpacking for the Ultratall
Don't Buffer Python's stdout

Column binding two Panda's Dataframes
Printing Pandas Data Frames as HTML in Jupyter Notebooks

Impala Doesn't Have a histogram() function

Creating Impala Tables from Pandas Dataframes

Using rbenv for Ruby Versions

Galileo's Conflict was Science vs. Science

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Bot
Mentions of John Cook on Github
Quotes from Former Professors
I Love Twitter
My Python Environment Workflow with Conda

Sequential Minimal Optimization Algorithm for Support Vector Machines
Using Twitter Data to Gain Insights into E-cigarette Marketing and Locations of Use

Tweets I'm Proud Of (2)
Notes on Dirichlet Processes
Nonparametric Latent Dirichlet Allocation
A Joke
Data Science and Agriculture
Classes Future Programmers Should Take
Dealing with Outliers
Profile in Computational Imagination
On Showing Your Work
A Programmer's Portfolio
High Quality Code at Quora
10x Engineering
Handy One-off Webpages
Thinking at Work
How I Became a Data Scientist Despite Having Been a Math Major

Links for March 23, 2015
Concatenate MP3 Files

Links for March 13, 2015
Introduction to PySpark
Links for January 19, 2015
Links for December 29, 2014
Links for December 22, 2014
Should I get a Ph.D.?

Links for December 6, 2014
Links for December 4, 2014
Links for November 24, 2014
Links for November 17, 2014
Links for November 12, 2014
Links for November 3, 2014
Links for November 1, 2014
Pyspark's AggregateByKey Method
Links for September 30, 2014
Links for September 25, 2014
Links for September 20, 2014
Quickly Converting Python Dict to JSON
Shortcut to Switch to Previous Git Branch

Links for September 10, 2014
Tracking Weight Loss with R, Hazel, Withings, and IFTTT
Links for August 30, 2014
Links for August 28, 2014
Keeping IPython Notebooks Running in the Background
Links for August 25, 2014
Links for August 23, 2014
Bringing Operations Research into the 21st Century with Online Video
Pickle and Redis

Operations Research and Computer Programming
Notes on the Derivation of Least Squares Policy Iteration

Calculus Haikus and Limericks

Teaching Students to Fail

My Email Analytics
Average Area of a Random Hull
Operations Research, Machine Learning, and Optimization
Stephen Wolfram's AMA
The Spelling Corrector that Got Me Interested in Machine Learning
Mathematica: A Love Story
Mathematicians, Engineers, and Businessmen on NPC Problems
The Efficient Research Hypothesis

From Nuclear Weapons to Operations Research