Data Science and Agriculture

I’m excited to see tools developed for the web being applied to offline domains like agriculture and health. I posed a question on Twitter yesterday:

I got a number of replies. Companies in this space (not all hiring for DS) include:

  • The Climate Corporation: Known for their high profile acquisition by Monsanto, Climate Corp “combines hyper-local weather monitoring, agronomic modeling, and high-resolution weather simulations” “that help farmers improve profitability by making better informed operating and financing decisions”. They are based in San Fransisco.
  • FarmLogs: A YCombinator-backed startup in Ann Arbor, MI, FarmLogs is combining satellite maps, soil surveys, GPS data, and more to “expose critical operational data insights” to row crop farmers.
  • Dairymaster: In Ireland, Darymaster is hiring data scientists for their business of dairy equipment manufacturing.
  • aWhere: aWhere “delivers agricultural intelligence into the hands of farmers, commercial growers, and policymakers everywhere” by collecting detailed weather data from around the world. They are based in Denver.
  • pulsepod: This small startup is building hardware to help farmers “know when to plant, fertilize, irrigate, and harvest to achieve quality and yield goals using data from your own field”. They are based in Princeton, NJ.
  • Granular: “Granular, a new kind of farm management software and analytics platform, helps you improve efficiency, profit and yield so you are ready to farm more acres.” They are based in San Fransisco.
  • PrecisionHawk: Based in my home of Raleigh, NC, PrecisionHawk is “an information delivery company that combines unmanned aerial systems, cutting-edge artificial intelligence and remote sensing technologies to improve business operations and day-to-day decision making.”
  • mavrx: “We use aerial imagery to provide actionable insights to the global agriculture industry.” They are based in San Fransisco.
  • AgSmarts: Memphis-based Agsmarts “is a Precision Agriculture company that automates existing agricultural irrigation systems with our universal retrofit solution to optimize crop yield, save water and AgSmarts minimize input costs via mesh networks of IP-enabled controllers & environmental sensors.”
Last updated on Feb 05, 2024 12:37 -0500