I started lifting weights for the first time in my life four years ago, as a 32-year-old. Over the last few years, I’ve gotten interested in Strongman as a sport through YouTube. Yesterday, I entered my first strongman competition.
I competed not having touched a weight in 2.5 weeks and generally not having trained as I had hoped due to the event being two weeks after my third child’s birth. Nevertheless, I had a lot of fun and learned much about competing.
Farmer’s Carry Medley
There were three farmer’s implements, and each had to be carried 40 feet. They weighed 210, 230, and 260 lbs per hand. I finished in 33.93 seconds and took 6th place! Before the competition, I’d never picked up anything close to 520 lbs.
Axle Deadlift Ladder
There were three axle bars on wagon wheels (an 18" deadlift) weighing 435, 485, and 535 lbs. The first two bars had to be lifted once, and the third bar could be lifted for reps within the 60-second window.
I wasn’t able to lift the lightest bar. I had intended to do a lot of deadlift training in January and February, but it didn’t happen. After the farmer’s carry, my hamstrings were so tight that I could barely get down to the bar. I knew from trying to warm up I wouldn’t be able to budge the bar. However, I did manage to get it an inch or two off the ground (which is something).
Sandbag Race
There were two sandbags (200 and 225 lbs). Each had to be carried around a cone 40’ away and back to the start line.
I’d never touched a bag weighing more than 150 lbs. I finished in 46.54 seconds and was got 10th place. I was pleased with my result, but I could have trimmed time off if I had more practice picking up big bags.
Viking Press
The Viking press was a natural log mounted on a pivot. It was supposed to be equivalent to a 225-lb overhead press.
I was apprehensive because I had hurt my shoulder training for it, and I rarely do heavy overhead pressing. However, I was able to lift the trunk without shoulder pain.
I got eight reps and was pleased with that. My final rep felt like my spine was about to pop, so I gave up.
Sandbag Battle
The final event was loading increasingly heavy sandbags over a 4’ rail. After each competitor had a turn, the bag weight was increased by 25 lbs.
It started with a 200-lb bag, which I had no trouble lifting. I also lifted the 225-lb bag fine. With the 250-lb bag, I struggled to get it to my lap, but I got it over the bar at the last second.
I gave the 275-lb bag a good shot, but it couldn’t fit in my lap. Its weight is much higher than the 150-lb bag I trained with, but it is also a lot bigger, and I didn’t know how to get a grip on it. With some practice, I should be able to get to a 325-lb bag.
Sandbag race
Farmer's carry