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Talks I've Given

Here are the talks that I've given that were recorded.

How to use streaming machine learning for real-time data (Aug. 8, 2024)

Five semesters of linear algebra and all I do is solve Python dependency problems (Dec. 15, 2022)

Right Code, Right Place, Right Time (Jan 29, 2019)

Devops Empowered Data Science with Ansible (Jul 12, 2018)

Challenges in Applying Machine Learning to Cybersecurity (Jun 23, 2018)

How I Became a Data Scientist Despite Having Been a Math Major: The Talk (Oct 06, 2017)

Build a Real Time Machine Learning System (May 17, 2017)

Understanding Probabilistic Topic Models By Simulation (Oct 25, 2016)

Sharing Your Side Projects Online (Oct 05, 2016)

Introduction to Scikit-Learn (Jan 21, 2013)

INFORMS 2011 Annual Meeting

Last updated on Oct 03, 2024 16:25 -0400